SH100 a new WiFi enabled point and Shoot from Samsung

Here we are, Samsung’s latest Point & Shoot the SH100 was just announced for CES 2011, the SH100 is not your average 14.2Mpix camera with a 5x optical zoom and 720p video mode, but a really capable camera featuring an WiFi BGN wireless connection and DLNA support that will let you not only send picture or video to friends or any to any compatible Web services once connected to a WiFi access point, but also let you use your phone, for example an Galaxy S, to both capture your phone GPS Data for photo geo-tagging but also use your phone’s internet connection to send pictures on the go, like you would with an Eye-Fi Card for example.

Also like an Eye-Fi, your SH100 could automatically backup any shot you make to a nearby PC and even use its WoL (Wake on Lan) feature, if set correctly, to never lose the chance to transfer data from your camera to your PC or even your TV where you will now be able to stream all photos and videos without the needs for any cables, if of course you own a WiFi capable TV.

Finally Samsung will ease your pain to find an open access point by teaming up with KT in Korea and Boingo and giving access to your SH100 to over 200,000 WiFi hotspots worldwide.


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