Stream TV launches 7 new eLocity 10 inch tablets

Pennsylvania-based Stream TV Networks was one of the first US companies to bring a 7 inch Android tablet to market with an NVIDIA Tegra 2 chip and Android 2.2. It’s called the eLocity A7. Now the company is going all out and announcing the launch of 10 inch Android tablets… 7 of them.

All 7 will pack NVIDIA Tegra 2 chips and run Android Honeycomb with support for Adobe Flash. They’ll all have front-facing cameras and HDMI output, support for 1080p HD video playback, and microSD card slots for expansion.

What the company isn’t explaining yet is how the eLocity A10.1, A10.2, A10.3, A10.4, A10.5, A10.6 and A10.7 models will differ from one another. My guess is that we’re looking at different wireless capabilities, storage configurations, and possibly even screen technologies.

While some big name PC makers such as Dell, Lenovo, or HP release products under a single name and then make it easy for customers to configure the options that come with that computer, it’s often easier for smaller companies to give devices with small differences completely different names for manufacturing and purchasing purposes.

Still, 7 new tablets sounds good on paper. It seems like a pretty decent indication that Stream TV is confident enough in its eLocity brand to offer consumers a wide range of configurations for the new 10 inch tablets.

The new tablets will be on display at CES next week and available for pre-order on January 17th, but I’m guessing it could be a few months before they reach the market unless Stream TV plans to offer them with Android 2.2 or 2.3 until Honeycomb is released.

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